Saturday, 19 May 2007

High Hopes . . .

Swear to Doug, I fully intend to publish 2 blog entries each week . . . and then suddenly it's Saturday at 1 in the morning, and I can hardly keep my eyes open. And I'm typing.

This week has been action packed. I hardly feel I can do it justice at this juncture. I will add pictures . . . later.

I was drawn to ye Olde LYS multiple times this week. I've been aching to try my hand at hemp. Or linen. Either will do. I was really hoping my IK would show up, so I can do the tuxedo top in linen . . still waiting.
As I was saying though, multiple LYS visits . . . I can't even remember what I bought the first time around. Oh wait, yes I do. Stuff for Blu Roux's package. And it made me late for work. But the very next day, I found myself once again nestled into the warm and comforting bosom of my LYS.
I pawed the hemp. I groped it. I would have made a pubescent boy proud . . . and then it happened -- Lynne (employee extraordinaire) enabled my hemp lust. She showed me to the pattern binder, and within the plastic bound pages, I saw it -- the most beautiful lacy t-shirt pattern I have ever seen. Angels sang. The clouds parted. It was a moment of pure perfection. And it was patterned for hemp!
So I bought the pattern. And all the stuff.
And then the 'fun?' began.
This stuff is a nightmare to wind -- I spent my entire shift (7 1/2 hours) detangling and fighting with it while taking calls. Then I cast on 225 stitches. I joined, being careful not to twist, and I worked 3 rounds in garter stitch. Then I went to bed.
The next morning, Mr. Wonderful had to get up very early. He was so considerate! He did everything he could not to wake me -- and then he did the one thing that would, without a doubt, wake me -- he informed me (at 6:20am) that the cat was playing with my knitting.
Suddenly, I had visions of those 225 x 3 stitches all unraveled and messy. I couldn't sleep. I got up and collected the tangled yarn from the floor, re-wound it, and started knitting again. Three hours later, I came out of my knitting fog, and went about my day. And I knitted. But only a little. So I had to bring it to work with me.
By this point I was at the lace bit. I was a few repeats in -- I wanted to keep going! but I did not want to bring the pattern to work with me again . . . I wrote out the lace repeats and took that to work instead.

Today I realized, several inches in that when I wrote it out, I effed up the pattern . . . I started the repeat from the wrong spot . . . groan. So I frogged it . . . and I knitted it all day today . . . and now I'm a few lace repeats in again, and it looks much better!
I really want to wear this top. It's beautiful!
I have such high hopes.

And that's just the knitting!

At work, I have been elected the new co-ordinator of the Events Planning Crew . . . basically, the fun-squad. That's pretty exciting. :D

I'm sure there's more, but I really need to go to bed. YAWN.

1 comment:

Batty said...

What an exciting week! I know that clouds parting, perfect union between knitter, yarn and pattern feeling... until you take it home and things get interesting.
Hang in there, and post pictures of the heavenly hemp shirt!