Friday 19 June 2009


I should have KNOWN there was a reason she was sitting so quietly at my feet for so long.


Bezzie said...

Yup. Silence never equals good. First rule of parenting...and you always have to learn it the hard way!! LOL!

Stickyfingers said...

Fortunately, it wasn't so bad. Right now, she likes to pull yarn from the skein/ball/cake and just drop it. Pull, drop, pull, drop, pull, drop, and so on. There was alot of it, but it wasn't tangled! Besides, I can think of worse things to get in to . . .

Vanessa said...

Yep, been there done that. Mine was a giant skein of yellow wool, my dd pulled it all apart. She LOVED it. me, not so much. :)

Star said...

Buddy decided this weekend that while I was sewing a pair of pants for him, that he NEEDED to explore that spool of purple thread!!