Thursday 10 April 2008

Dangerous Ground . . .

. . .I'm back up to THREE active wips . . . oops.

I still have the Cardi for Merry on the go, but I finished the st st sections thanks to a dreadfully dull day at work (got BOTH sleeves finished!) -- and the cable I've found requires my attention, lest I cross a row that is not meant to cross, and then have to rip back, and all that related stress. To be fair, I only have the left front, the hood, and the underarm seams left to go. If I'm not busy, I can finish it probably over next week.

So I cast on for mom's birthday sweater. And it's fine 'knitting in front of the TV' knitting . . .

. . . but then I needed some new at work, mindless st st knitting . . . so I cast on for Leg Warmies. It's not like it's a huge commitment or anything, and it's nice to have fresh work on the needles
- but the whole point was to clear things up! Not to amass new work!

I guess I should be glad it's three new things, and not the nine I started with.

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