Sunday 9 March 2008

Some Sad News -- Not about the baby

Whenever I say I heard some sad news, everyone freaks about the baby. Let me preface this by saying this sad bit o' news has NOTHING to do with my pregnancy. The Sprout is still turning somersaults, and kicking and whatnot. This is other sad news.

My LYS is closing it's doors.
Selfish reason why this is terrible: This is particularly heartbreaking for me, because now to get yarn that is not acrylic or acrylic based, I will have to drive for an hour. It will throw a severe wrench into my knitting.
Non-selfish reason why this is terrible: 6 women have lost their jobs, and one family has lost their business. I can't even imagine being the owner of said LYS and having to admit it's just not working out. How she must have cried.
One HORRIBLE thing to say: This is a little good . . . for the time being, anyway, because they are having a great big sale!! 50% off -- yay! It's bittersweet.

I went on Friday morning, right at opening, and it was a complete madhouse. Here is what $265 will get you at a closing sale:

  • One gorgeous Lantern Moon basket-y bag type thing. Not sure if I'll keep it, or pass it on. For now, it stores ALL that yarn!
  • one skein of pretty coloured tofutsies
  • 2 skeins of Rowan Denim
  • 2 Skeins of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino
  • 4 skeins of Misti Alpaca Hand-paint
  • 9 skeins of Misti Alpaca Lace
  • 6 balls of Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo, which I had just discovered and fallen in love with.
  • One skein of Euroflax Linen
  • 10 skeins of Bonsai to finally make the bonsai tunic
35 Skeins of yarn, a bag, and 2 Addi Turbo needles. What a score!

And now, some GOOD news!

I got my Valentine's swap package in the mail - finally! I was worried it might have disappeared, but it showed up late last week.

1 comment:

Batty said...

I did the same thing when a Providence yarn store was closing. It's one of those opportunities to just go and buy yarn, and you did very well!