Saturday 22 March 2008


So, I'm down to 4 WIP's.
The Chocolate Jacket, which is fast becoming The Dreaded Chocolate Jacket.
Baby Blues - baby sized jeans, which are currently in the wash, then will be finished within hours.
Leda's Dream Scarf - found the pattern, now I just have to DO it!
Frost Flowers and Leaves - Deserves to be a full sized shawl, it really does.

My goal was to have the WIP file cleared out by May. And by cleared out, I mean down to 2. I'm learning that I'm no longer capable of JUST 2 things on the go, though. This morning, in fact, I cast on for yet another tiny hat. Seriously, this child is going to have FAR too many hats. I need to start gifting them. And it's not like that would be an issue. I know plenty of pregnant women.

My problem with the current WIP file is that everything except the jeans . . . well, they've all lost their shine. I just don't want to work on them anymore.
I'm giving myself 2 weeks for the chocolate jacket, which is about 45% knit up at this point. I want to have it to wear for the Maple Sugar Festival, since my winter coat no longer fits me, and we will doubtless be traipsing around this festival for an hour or more.
I think I can make it too. I have this week off (yay vacation!) and I should be able to finish the fronts. Then I'll just have the back, blocking and making up to do. Piece of cake right? Wish me luck.


Batty said...

I think you need to have 2 things on the needles, plus at least one fairly quick knit so you can have the satisfaction of finishing something while working on the big things. If you're always working on the same 2 patterns, it can get pretty boring, and boring is bad for getting things done.

Stickyfingers said...

Y'know, the other thing is two of my projects wallowing in WIP land are lace. You can't exactly take them with you places, or work on them mindlessly. I think I just have to accept that Frost Flowers and Leaves will be a WIP for many months yet to come.